Panhellenic Council

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sister of the month sam heerenNovember Update

Alpha Omicron Pi had an amazing winter break and first month back, filled with family, friends, travel, and sisterhood. We are so excited to be back in Kearney and to start the semester! We had three girls move into the house, and we are so excited to be all together again. We have been busy with COB events since we got back and have invited three new girls into our chapter! We have had sisterhood events to kick off the semester, and we are so excited for what this semester will bring. We are excited for our philanthropy, Smoke Out, in support of the Arthritis Foundation this spring! We are looking forward to all the sisterhood events, functions, mixers, and bonding experiences this year has to bring.

Instagram: @aoiiunk

sister of the month addie karo

November Update

Alpha Phi has had a busy and exciting January! Many girls traveled over break to places such as Germany, California, North Carolina, and the Caribbean islands. We kicked off the new year with a sisterhood event at the end of our first meeting. We made vision boards for the upcoming year and got to catch up with each other after such a long break. Alpha Phi's annual Pitch and Poker tournament is coming up on March 27th, where the money raised will go to the Alpha Phi Foundation for Women's Heart Health research! We are so happy to return to campus with our sisters after break. January was so fun, and we cannot wait to see what February has in store!

Instagram @alphaphiunk

sister of the month brooklynn nielsen

November Update

Alpha Xi Delta had an amazing January! We were so excited to return to campus and see our sisters. During the first few weeks back everyone was getting settled into their new positions. We are looking forward to all of our sisterhood events, function and formal, mixers, and philanthropy events! Our philanthropy event for this semester is Xingo Bingo, and it takes place on March 27th! Our sisterhood retreat is on April 5th, and we are all looking forward to a day trip to Omaha! In February we are excited to participate in the COB process. We are having four events PJ study sesh, galentines, game night, and craft night! We are so excited to meet everyone who comes!

Instagram: @unkalphaxidelta

ella lange

November Update

January was a productive and lively month for the ladies of GPhi! We kicked off the year with our annual ski trip, bonding with our sisters and enjoying the beautiful winter slopes. We then were all able to reunite for the new semester back at 体育菠菜大平台. The executive team took part in the Real Leadership Retreat, where they set goals and developed strategies for the months ahead for the benefit of the chapter. In addition to these exciting moments, we held multiple important meetings to ensure everything was running smoothly and efficiently. Through this, we have also begun planning our annual Pancake Feed to raise money for our Philanthropy, Girls on The Run, which promises to be a fun and delicious event in April. Overall, January was full of sisterhood and hard work, and the women of Gamma Phi Beta are looking forward to what the rest of the semester will bring!

Instagram @gammaphibetaunk


Morgan Ondracek

Morgan Ondracek

Ashleigh Ritter

Ashleigh Ritter
Executive Vice President

Lily Seibert

Lily Seibert
VP of External Recruitment

Korinne Benson

Korinne Benson
VP of Internal Recruitment

Ally Sedlacek

Ally Sedlacek
VP of Scholarship

Haley Kimbrough

Haley Kimbrough
VP of Public Relations

Rayelee Smith

Rayelee Smith
VP of Programming

Grace Ottman

Grace Ottman
VP of Philanthropy

Kiya Garrelts

Kiya Garrelts
VP of Administration